Organic wine and environment : between labels and production practices

Published : 2023-08-30 09:29:21
Categories : Wine

Organic wine and environment : between labels and production practices

Organic wines are popular

Since the last few years, we can see a true revolution of the wine world. Organic wines made their entrance and their success is undeniable. Organic wines keep growing in popularity and are increasingly sought after by expert consumers. This change is more than just a consumer trend. It is a change of attitude, a desire to consume more responsibly and encourage sustainable practices while favoring product quality and authenticity.

Proof is in the numbers : the latest statistics show that the organic wine market share keeps increasing and the number of organic winemakers has doubled in the last five years. This explosion in organic wine demand is powered by various factors. On one hand, consumers are more and more preoccupied with the environmental and sanitary impacts of their consumer choices. On the other hand, organic wines managed to break down prejudices, proving that quality and organic products are not incompatible.

In this context, organic wine offers an exceptional tasting experience. Its aromatic richness, diversity of the vine varieties and respect of the terroir are all very enticing for wine lovers. Organic wines also represent an ethical approach, a commitment towards a production method which respects nature, biodiversity and people.

Thus, whether it may be for health, ethic or preference reasons, more and more consumers choose organic when purchasing wine. Organic wine is soon to be the new norm, an evolution which is fully compatible with the overall change towards responsible consuming and ecological transition. Organic wines are definitely the current trend, and very far from running out of steam.

Production methods for organic wines

Organic wine is not just about grapes being cultivated without pesticides. It is an overall commitment relating to the entire vinification process, from the vine to the bottle. In organic vineyards, natural and renewable technologies are favored, the use of synthetic chemical products is prohibited. Pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizer are replaced by methods which are respectful of the ecosystem.

Respect for the vine’s natural cycle is essential. The vinification is performed with the utmost care. Naturally present in the grapes, indigenous yeasts are favored for the fermentation process. The result ? A wine which fully expresses its terroir and offers unique flavors, saved from any artificial manipulation.


Wine environmental labels in 2023

In 2023, there exists a wide range of labels certifying the quality of organic wines. At the top of the list is the AB label (“Agriculture Biologique”), which is widely recognized by consumers. It garanties a wine produced according to the strict norms of European organic agriculture.

Another favored label is Demeter, which certifies wines produced from biodynamic agriculture. This production method goes even further than traditional organic agriculture since it incorporates a holistic vision of viticulture, respectful of the environment as well as the lunar and planetary cycles.

The third label, which is becoming more and more popular, is the HVE (“Haute Valeur Environnementale”). This label not only certifies the winemaking part of the operation but it also attests to a global strategy for environmental respect , an optimized use of natural resources and the preservation of biodiversity.


The blossoming of organic wines illustrates perfectly the transition towards more sustainable and respectful production methods. Environment labels play key roles in this transition by ensuring the authenticity and quality of these wines. By choosing organic wine, consumers not only choose a more healthy product, but also contribute to the protection of the environment and preservation of winemaking terroirs. Thus, with more respectful production methods and a commitment to durability, organic wine appears to be the favored choice of wine lovers who are concerned with their ecological footprint.